Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tiny Breakdown

Good morning to myself as I sit here writing this blog at 12:11 AM on a school night trying to calm down from my tiny breakdown.

Before you all think I'm crazy for my breakdown here's my story of the incident. Literally 23 minutes ago in the high of my new blogging faze I decided to download Blogger onto my cellphone for the easy access to my blog. Unaware to the different formatting to blogger on my phone and laptop I believed I had just re-posted "My First Blog" I quickly delete the "extra" post. Glancing over to the finalized blog design I notice something horrible. THE POST IS GONE!

Without even realizing it I went through the Kübler-Ross model, or the five stages of grief, which if you don't know (which I'm guessing is most) is a series of emotional stages experienced by survivors of an intimate's death.

1. Denial and Isolation
  • I kept checking all my devices to see if I had a copy hidden away in the haystack of documents...

2. Anger
  • I deleted the app from my phone and was close to finding the way to delete my blog spot account...
3. Bargaining
  • Willing to try anything to get the document back...
4. Depression
  • I gave up and got some dust in my eye. :(
5. Acceptance
Wait, wait... OK 4/5 that counts. I never accepted the fact that the post might be gone forever so I just kept trying till I finally found an incomplete version of my post.
I was jumping with joy when I found that copy!
Now all I have to do is install blogger all over again to all my devices and everything will be right in the world.
This is Striped Kitty signing off.

First Blog Post

Recently I was simply scrolling through 'Google apps' when I noticed Blogger. I've never had a blog before and before today the idea never really interested me. So after this discovery of this app I decided to look up some peoples blogs and I was shocked with myself when I realized that I really liked this style of writing. The idea of creating a Blog simply intrigued me. After creating my Blog page I have to admit the first thing I did after I created my Blog was that I looked up on google 'How to Write Your First Blog Post'. This post pointed out immediately that the first post is terribly important, because it sets the tone for the blog, not just for the readers, but for the writers as well. That from the reader’s point of view, you would want to see four areas covered in my first blog post: 1 – Who I am. 2 – Why I am blogging. 3 – What will I be blogging about. 4 – How You can leave feedback. So my goal for this first post is to answer these questions as much as I feel comfortable doing. Who I am? And Why I am blogging? Well the first can be answered simply I'm a teenage girl just about to graduate high school and now as the last few days of high school are ticking down I grow more anxious about the outside world. I have been sheltered my entire life and now that I am about to leave the arms of my parents I am beginning to see the world for what the world truly is. And that frightens me.
When I was little I thought it was so weird that my parents would read newspapers or watch the news. I didn't even know who the president of the United States was that's how little I cared about the world outside of my home.
And now that I am approaching the finish line of my teenage life, and approaching the starting gate of adulthood. I'm scared, I'm frantically digging my nails into the ground as I am dragged towards the finish line by time itself.
I am blogging because I know that it is impossible to stop time (No matter how much I wish) so I've decided that I want to use this little time I have left to try out something new. Try and be the person that I was afraid to be, I am Striped Kitty. A young kitten growing into her claws ready to take on the world, one claw at a time.

What will I be blogging about? To me this is the most important question I can answer. And the truth is I don't really know. I could talk about my you tube channel at Talk about my inspiration for my videos, and why I choose the games. But instead I've decided to leave most of it up to you.

How You can leave me feedback. Down in the comments bellow tell me what you want to see in my next blog posts. The most popular comments will be the theme of my next blog. I encourage you to comment so I can gain this experience as a blogger tell me honestly what you think positive or negative. The only restriction I can ask of you is please don't use my blog for self ads by posting spam in the comments they will be taken down.

I want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. This means a lot to me as a brand new blogger.

So this is me Striped Kitty signing out.